
inline fun <T> <ERROR CLASS>.createStandardWebsocketFlow(url: String, crossinline checkReconnection: (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true }, noinline requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {}, crossinline conversation: suspend (StandardKtorSerialInputData) -> T): Flow<T>
inline fun <T> <ERROR CLASS>.createStandardWebsocketFlow(url: String, crossinline checkReconnection: (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true }, deserializer: DeserializationStrategy<T>, serialFormat: StandardKtorSerialFormat = standardKtorSerialFormat, noinline requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {}): <ERROR CLASS>



This lambda will be called when it is required to reconnect to websocket to establish connection. Must return true in case if must be reconnected. By default always reconnecting